What, for you, was the high point of 2022? Were there any other highlights?

A highlight for me this year was taking part in Grampian Pride Parade with fellow Girlguiding members and my friends. It was something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and it was surprisingly emotional. Seeing many teens marching proudly, the community of so many diverse people and just the joy of being free to be you was just incredible. Words can’t describe it.

Other highlights included getting to hug my siblings for the first time since 2019, the UCLA Writer’s Studio, meeting a certain man and going to Liverpool to watch some of the World Gymnastics Championships with one of my friends.

What, for you, was the low point of 2022?

The year started out in a horrible way and by spring my mental health was at the lowest it has ever been. It led to being signed off work for several weeks, some stern words from old friends, encouragement from former work colleagues and finally in July getting the opportunity to leave the job and culture that was doing so much damage to my health.

Tell me some things you learned this year.

I’ve learned so many things this year.

I learned how wrong things I got taught in Christian Union and Churches were. I don’t think it’s coincidence that going to Pride was a turning point for my health, and then meeting my current partner.

I learned from incredible writers, and how friendships that stay committed to keeping each other encouraged and accountable can help you thrive.

And I’ve learned so many new digital skills through the opportunities (and total baptism of fire) that has been part of my new job.

Who would be your “person of 2022”? It could be someone you know or a famous person who’s inspired you.

My person of 2022… hmmm.

What was the best film you saw this year?

You know, I’m not sure that I’ve seen many new films this year at all! So often they aren’t in cinemas now.

Probably Turning Red.

And what was the worst?


What was the best book you read?

There has been a distinct lack of reading this year. Most of the books I’ve read have been picturebooks.

What was the best TV show you watched?

Oh, this is an easy one. Heartstopper.

The incredible impact that show has had on so many (including several people I know as friends who finally felt safe enough to come out after watching…). If you’ve not watched it yet, it’s a must.

What, for you, was the sporting highlight of 2022?

The Worlds in Liverpool were incredible – seeing Ireland win their first ever world medal and for it to be Gold was very emotional!

What was the best album or song you heard in 2022? What song did you play most?

Why am I like this? by Orla Gartland

What is the podcast you’ve listened to most in 2022?

It’s still Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.

I love Sona Movsesian.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

There’s nothing that I have planned. There’s still the hope of moving away from Aberdeen, but right now that looks like it could be very difficult if not almost impossible. I have a passport again, after trying to get one in 2021 and not being able to get it, but the cost of living crisis is making travel unlikely. Even trying to go home to Edinburgh costs so much. I hope to continue working on the novel I began writing at the UCLA Writer’s Studio (thank you D, J and R for all your support and keeping me motivated). There’s hopefully going to be more babies to snuggle, more friends to catch up with, and maybe this year even celebrate my birthday.

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